Viewing entries tagged
80s Music

Southern Belles, Latchkey Kids & Thrift-Store Crossdressers


Southern Belles, Latchkey Kids & Thrift-Store Crossdressers

From The Bitter Southerner

As a kid in the '70s, I was in several groups – the church choir, the Boy Scouts, the KISS Army. Still, I never felt like I had a tribe. In 1980, I finally found my people when my best friend, neighbor and schoolmate Todd Butler introduced me to "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" at the Silver Screen cinema in Atlanta’s Peachtree Battle Shopping Center. Todd was 16, I was 15. . . Read Essay


R.E.M., Todd & Me


R.E.M., Todd & Me

From The Rumpus

I’ve been wondering if R.E.M. purposefully scheduled their break-up announcement for autumn. I would not put it past them. Their deft use of symbolism was always one of their strong suits. Although they’d been discussing it for some time, they made it official as the natural world was dying gracefully around us. Leaves curl, darken and spiral down. The balmy air and long days of warm sunshine dissipate, shadows lengthen ever earlier, and R.E.M., a band most fans would place in the summer of their lives, is dead, going out as they came in 31 years ago: at one with the gods. . . Read Essay
